OCRC embraces families with Back to School programs

Submitted by Megan Ehrmantraut for OCRC.

It’s that time of year again as we bid farewell to sunny slow-paced summer and ease into the routine that fall brings. Kids are back to school as families anticipate the coming cooler temperatures and shorter days. OCRC is here to help! We were grateful to be a presence at the OISD Back to School night to help spread the word about our services and how we can help with back-to-school needs.

We are happy to partner with the Sons of the American Legion for the SOAL Shoe Program. For families in need, children from walking through age 18 are able to receive new shoes with a simple application. Forms are available at area schools and OCRC. We ask that forms be completed and returned to school or the OCRC office by the extended date of September 19th. The application is also available online at https://form.jotform.com/222436222955152.

Kids’ Coates Clinic will be held every Wednesday, 2:15-3:30 p.m, in October. If you or someone you know has a child in need of a coat to stay warm this winter, make sure to come by our office on those early release Wednesdays in October.

In partnership with our local consignment store, Sequel, we are offering clothing vouchers for kids’ back-to-school clothing for families in need. Please contact our office for more information.

As part of our annual efforts to help islanders stay warm, Coates Closet is available to the community. We have winter coats on hand and hats/gloves will be provided on an as-needed basis. Appointments are needed for shopping. Please contact our office at 360-376-3184.

We’d also like to give a big shout-out to Island Market for their School Supplies Drive running through September 15th. Help Orcas Schools by donating in store or online today at www.orcasislandmarket.com. Thank you Island Market for caring about island schools and the children in our community.

If you’d like to learn more about our services or make a donation, please visit orcascrc.org or call 360-376-3184.