Market Day Sale this year, ended at 2:00 on July 31st, however, began much earlier in the month with the magnanimous volunteering of the St Agnus Guild men and women, and the gathering and pricing, and sorting of donations.
We were ALL so very happy to be working towards Emmanuel Parish contributions, for our amazing community non- profits.
Contribution List:
Music Advocacy Group $500.00
Senior Center $625.00
Safe San Juans $$625.00
Kaleidoscope School $625.00
Resource Center $1,000.00
Orcas Aviation or
Mercy Flights $2,600.00
A thank you to all who visited the sale, going home with treasures, jewelry, baked goods and the great children’s books, donated by Orcas school library.
In Gratitude,
Joanne Cundy
President St Agnes Guild