Haitian doctor visits Orcas

Public health specialist Dr. Richemond Jean-Baptiste visited Orcas on Aug. 7 as a guest of Helping Hands Noramise. He spoke about public health challenges in Limbe’, Haiti at a library gathering of Orcas supporters.

Public health specialist Dr. Richemond Jean-Baptiste visited Orcas on Aug. 7 as a guest of Helping Hands Noramise. He spoke about public health challenges in Limbe’, Haiti at a library gathering of Orcas supporters.

Richemond practices in Limbe’ and collaborated with HHN on educational outreach at the height of the cholera epidemic in 2010. He was in the U.S. to attend a medical conference in New York and to raise funds for equipment and continued work on the clinic he is building in Limbe’. The clinic will serve all residents regardless of their ability to pay.