Local involvement in government is critical

We surely have met the enemy and it certainly is us. A host of magazines and tomes of import resound with the cord that Washington won’t grow up until the American people grow up. That also applies to our state and county.

If we want to affect national policy we must first face the realities of our own shortcomings and past misdirections. So many intelligent legislators in our county have been wandering aimlessly with little to show for the $1.5 million dollars we citizens have showered upon them in the past five years. Do the citizens think that they have given us an efficient and effective government? If so, what have they done to lead the way?

Yes, the Council has turned down my offer to have live, video interactive communications with them so that citizens didn’t have to travel to Friday Harbor. So I guess that is the isolation the citizens approve of? And why do we support lavish and unnecessary spending in our fire department but deprive kids a pittance to support a rec program.

Yes, and state-wide we agreed to make sure that obesity rules and that unlike like liquor there is no restraints on the intoxication of sugar and fructose in our soft drinks. Almost everyone I know in the county is caring, and generous with their volunteering beyond belief. But, like what is lacking in Washington, is lacking here: involvement in the decision making process. We do this by attendance at taxing district meetings, volunteer groups like the library, school board, EPRC and especially with the council. Yes, all that is inconvenient, but I wonder what the alternatives are?

Walt Corbin
