Thoughts on the pot business

Alcohol, tobacco, coffee, Prozac, Xanax, running, yoga, marijuana, tennis. A kick, a thrill, a rush or sedative.

Alcohol, tobacco, coffee, Prozac, Xanax, running, yoga, marijuana, tennis. A kick, a thrill, a rush or sedative. We all have got something to help us along the way. Everyone wants to feel good. Some strive to just not feel bad. Of all the life enhancers out there, marijuana has been singled out as the gateway drug. I’d have to say children’s aspirin was my gateway. I remember after a long day at school dealing with a headache the school nurse tells me to try these, they’re orange flavored. Next stop, cherry cough syrup with codeine. Hello Ritalin.

And of all the dangerous substances we put into our bodies, alcohol has to be the most dangerous. We don’t need a survey or another study to know the downside to this toxin. It’s a real killer, served up in all flavors everywhere with the slogan “drink responsibly.”

You can be certain, today’s smoke is a whole other creature, thanks to prohibition mostly, and the public’s demand for a higher buzz. The price has gone from $10 an ounce to a thousand in some places. We have done to marijuana what many fear Monsanto and Exxon are trying to get away with. I always thought that by this time in my life people would be free to grow a little weed for personal consumption. But no. What we have is a convoluted state law that is still trying to define itself  What started as Mr. Natural’s alternative to the Jet Set’s martini, is now a high-end, semi-legal commodity we can buy at an exorbitant price, but are hard-pressed to find a place to enjoy it without breaking any laws.

The issue at hand is where growers can start their business. There are good people on all sides. Legal or not, it’s going to be around as long as there is a demand. Reputable growers are needed to set the standard, by producing quality products that are safe.

I’ve known the people at Northwest Connoisseurs for many years. Some since they were children. They all have strong ties to the islands, and feel a responsibility to the environment and its people. They are honest and hardworking. I hope everyone will agree to give them a chance. Starting any business is hard enough, this one has an all new set of challenges daily.

Miguel Villareal

Orcas Island