‘Herstory’ class: women’s perspectives in history

"Herstory: Women’s Perspectives in History," a six-week class for girls and boys ages 9 to 14, is a chance for students to learn about women in the past, while creating projects and presentations. Reading will include interesting historical fiction and non-fiction.

“Herstory: Women’s Perspectives in History,” a six-week class for girls and boys ages 9 to 14, is a chance for students to learn about women in the past, while creating projects and presentations. Reading will include interesting historical fiction and non-fiction.

The class begins Sept, 23, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10 a.m. to noon at the Reddick Room by the OPAL office at the corner of Enchanted Forest and Lover’s Lane.

The instructor is Didier Gincig, former classroom teacher and recreation program director.

Call or e-mail for questions or registration: 298-0362, 376-6053, or didier@earthball.com.