Baby Boomer boot camp

So you think you’re ready for retirement? If you’re one of the largest population segments alive today – Baby Boomers – you’d better think again.


Orcas librarian

So you think you’re ready for retirement? If you’re one of the largest population segments alive today – Baby Boomers – you’d better think again.

Boomers are among the least prepared to leave the workforce – their savings are smaller, and they are living longer than their parents did. As they approach retirement age, they’re not content to sit and leisurely watch the world go by. Many, whether by choice or necessity, are forging ahead in encore careers. A recent AARP study shows that 74 percent of Boomers plan to continue working indefinitely.  For some, it’s because they didn’t plan enough or were affected by economic conditions beyond their control. The majority are looking for ways to combine their passions with work for pay and volunteering.

So what’s a Boomer to do? Fortunately, there is help available. Dori Gillam is program manager of Aging Your Way, a King County initiative to reach Boomer-aged people. She will lead a “Baby Boomer Boot Camp” on Thursday, June 13 from 9 am to 1 pm in the Orcas Library meeting room. In it, you’ll find answers to those mid-life questions – everything from career downsizing to healthy life habits, caring for aging parents and lifelong learning. When you leave the workshop you’ll have a better idea of your own next steps to the second half of life, how to find resources when you need them, and the positive side of aging. As Gillam is fond of saying, “Age is not a four-letter word.”

There is no cost to attend “Baby Boomer Boot Camp,” but space is limited. To sign up, call the Orcas Library at 376-4985. Couples are encouraged to attend together, although it’s not mandatory to do so.