A special ‘History Matinee’

In lieu of their regularly scheduled History Matinee, the Orcas Museum sponsored the “History Lives Here” tour of Historic Barns as its October event.

In lieu of their regularly scheduled History Matinee, the Orcas Museum sponsored the “History Lives Here” tour of Historic Barns as its October event. There will be no History Matinee during the holidays in December, but on the Sunday before Thanksgiving the Orcas Island Historical Society will present Skye Burn, granddaughter of June and Ferrar Burn, of “Living High” fame.

Anyone who has read this best-selling book about a daring and adventurous young couple who homesteaded in these islands in the 1940s knows that this presentation will be a special one, say organizers.

Skye will be visiting from Bellingham for a two-hour story-telling and question and answer period open to the public.

Admission is always by donation at the door.  The session is at 3 p.m. at the Orcas Senior Center on Sunday, Nov. 18.