‘Getting Along Famously’ to play at the Grange

Doug Bechtel and the Actors Theatre of Orcas Island have cooked up another summer treat for us with ‘Getting Along Famously’, Michael Jacobs' nutty play about a successful author unhappy with his success.

Doug Bechtel and the Actors Theatre of Orcas Island have cooked up another summer treat for us with ‘Getting Along Famously’, Michael Jacobs’ nutty play about a successful author unhappy with his success.

Bryan Grantham does a fine job as Harry Leeby, the author, while Terri Vinson, a recent Orcas High School graduate, impresses all with a smooth, confident performance as Lori, Harry’s daughter. I was quite taken with Vinson’s quiet grace and ease on stage, and hope we see her in future productions. Those fortunate enough to have experienced a play with Suzanne Gropper in it will need no urging to see her in this production – she’s simply fantastic in her role as Sandy Castle, the author’s Agent. (I doubt anyone can ‘see’ Gropper in a play – it’s too much of an experience!)

I love the artful staging of this play, too: when Gropper speaks her first lines, nearstage under a spotlight, the scene, setting, and relationships are immediately understood.

I need a new paragraph for David Schermerhorn, who played the famous actor who had built a career as the spy in films made of Harry’s wildly popular novels. Wow. Simply, Wow. This guy could sell stage presence – he has it in bulk. Tons of it. He was terrific in his role, with a voice to match his stature.

Bill and Cele Westlake, Ron Herman, and many others acted, built, operated lights and sound, and otherwise assisted with this very fine production of a really funny and lighthearted play. Doug Bechtel continues to build his legacy of artistic and creative plays, with great play selection and spectacular casting from a talent pool that is surprisingly deep.

See the play ‘Getting Along Famously’ at the Grange at 7:30 p.m. July 31, and August 6,7,8.