Thanks for your help | Letter

“I’m so grateful we are part of this community!” Those are the words I would say to myself after reading a story about a fundraiser, a challenge that was overcome, a goal attained or a community rallying around a person in need.

“I’m so grateful we are part of this community!” Those are the words I would say to myself after reading a story about a fundraiser, a challenge that was overcome, a goal attained or a community rallying around a person in need. Occasionally, we read that Letter To The Editor recognizing those who went above and beyond, to care for one of our own in a dire situation. The selfless acts, the support, the where-with-all that exists in this community is awe inspiring. And today…it’s my turn to write a letter to the people of Orcas Island to say “Thank you.”

On Oct. 7, my husband Nelson “Nels” Moulton suffered a brain bleed and was airlifted off island to care. He is now in Seattle undergoing rehabilitation for the physical challenges that resulted from the incident while we wait for the bleed to heal enough to explore diagnosis and next steps.

I offer my sincere gratitude to Chief O’Brien, “Mic” and his EMT crew and everyone at OIFD for their quick response, careful assessment and immediate action that resulted in Nels’ safe arrival and amazing treatment at St. Joseph’s. To our many dear friends who have stepped up from moment one to offer a helping hand, or simply standing at the ready as we find our sea legs in the ocean of medical chaos. To strangers who have sent us cards or other support just to let us know they are wishing us well. I say again, “I’m so grateful we are part of this community!”

The “Road to Recovery” may be long, may not be smooth, but if the support we’ve received so far is any indication…I am certain that Nels will be back and better than ever. You’re welcome to keep up with his progress and participate in his Road to Recovery at (search “Nels”).

I am moved beyond belief by how this community is surrounding our family with love and support. Without a doubt, I am so grateful we are part of this community!!

Cathy Faulkner

Orcas Island