School bond election results should be respected | Letter

Our precious Democratic form of government is crumbling before our eyes.

Democracy, where everyone is entitled to one vote, can only work if those folks who are in the minority of an election agree to honor the fair results of that election. That means they must admit that there are more people in favor of a view different from theirs. They can still believe in their view but they must not try to impose it on everyone. If they do that it is no longer a democracy but mob rule.

In Wisconsin, Democrats left the state in order to prevent a vote that they would have lost. While they hide like cowards mobs protest to impose their will. This is not how Democracy is supposed to work.

Here on Orcas two school bond elections have taken place. There are those who refuse to accept the results and seek to impose their will on everyone. Fred Klein will quickly hold several meeting in one week’s time (apparently not much input will be required) in order to get a “consensus” of 50 or 60 individuals. This mob will decide what the way forward will be, as if the elections never happened.

Our precious Democratic form of government is crumbling because a small mob will not respect the results of a fair and free election, or as in the case of Orcas, elections.

If the school district wants to spend more of the public’s money than they are already collecting from state and local taxes and levies, they need to have the decency to make sure the tax payers have given their approval first. They need to respect our Democratic form of government and our fair and free elections. They need to think about the kind of example they are setting for the children.

Chris Butler
