Response to county selling rec equipment | Letter

I was stunned to read this article.

May I begin by suggesting IF the county HAS to sell the equipment, perhaps $1 would be a kind gesture to those of us who have supported Orcas Rec over the years.

Clearly Ms. Henley has never stepped foot on Buck Park land on a rainy Saturday morning. She would see that families bring most of the soccer balls. In fact, when I coached, I personally bought about 30 balls, perhaps more. I, along with many others, also bought pennies and cones. On a Saturday morning Ms. Henley would have seen parents carrying equipment bought with hard-earned money, and noticed many adults trying cleats on little feet that coaches had procured from all over town so that come game day, the kids would not be slipping and sliding all over the fields. Ms. Henley clearly did not see the pride in which the kids wore their Jerseys with Orcas Sponsors names on the back. She did not see the hours the VOLUNTEER Orcas Rec committee spent to write for grant money to purchase equipment. In the summer, the person volunteering to run the camp/program often purchased the crafts for camps and activities. Orcas Rec was run by heart and soul. Orcas kids performed plays written by John Clancy to raise money for the programs. Neighbors sponsored each other if swim lessons came around and someone couldn’t afford it. Businesses gave generously and coaches volunteered faithfully. If I wasn’t so sad that Ms. Henley could reduce so many people’s efforts and insult us all by asking us to pay $1,000 for equipment, I would be furious.

So to be fair, if that is the way the county wants to play, then I think the doors to the “equipment” room should be opened up and we should all go get what we bought for the Orcas Rec programs with the intention of having our Orcas kids enjoy the equipment. After the goals the Orcas Island Community Foundation bought are given back to them, and I take my balls etc. back, and so does everyone else, the county may only have $1 worth of equipment to sell.

THANK YOU to all of those who gave their hearts, time and resources to my children during the Orcas Rec era. My children are blessed to have had you in their lives, and are better people because of you.

Lynsey Smith

Orcas Island