Please stop stealing flowers in Village Plaza

We plan and plant and wait for the spring to come with all its color and promise of sun. Many hours of working the ground, adding compost and pulling weeds will go into this annual ritual. It is done with love that does not recognize the cost, time and pains only known to gardeners. I appreciate the many who stop by and comment on the beauty and who give thanks for sharing my love of gardens with the community.

There are also anonymous members of the community who do not stop to give thanks, but show their appreciation of the garden by picking the flowers. At first it was a few irises, and then all of them disappeared. Someone lucky got a large bouquet of yarrow on graduation. After that, I perused the garden to see what would bloom next, then anticipating the yellow and orange lilies would be chosen next. What a surprise when I saw the lilies still standing in the garden, soon to find out why. The flower pick of the week was to be the white chrysanthemums. There are huge bushes bursting with the fragrance of lavender and could soon make a wonderful gift (albeit stolen gift) to the senses. Since I am a believer that hard work delivers reward, I am going to make an offer to all the flower pickers out there. Come put some work into the gardens. Believe me; you will enjoy the flowers all the more. And maybe develop a respect for the beauty when left in the garden to be enjoyed by all.

Teri Williams

Village Plaza Owner’s Association