Dog owners and walkers on beaches and paths in parks and grounds all over our town. Laughing with pets enjoying…
If you have an English ancestor who arrived in the New England during what is known as The Great Migration…
A couple weeks ago the Sounder had a story congratulating a number of people for building 16 affordable homes. It…
Last week I read an unsettling letter to the editor concerning the school bond. The writer equated the proponents of…
I just wanted to share some thoughts with you on the current Mayoral campaign. In the heat of politicking, we…
I have been a resident of Orcas Island since 1985. I have taught in the Orcas Island School District since…
Referencing the story by Colleen Smith Armstrong on David Schermerhorn and the letter to the editor by Jackie Wolf, I am continually amazed by the folks who claim to be helping the helpless by supporting the Hamas terrorists in the Gaza strip and at the same time by dunning the only stable democracy and loyal U.S. ally in the Mid East.
I am very concerned with the upcoming CAO/Shoreline revisions and the direction the council seems to be heading. As a lifelong Democrat it is important to understand that I find myself strongly opposed to most of what I am hearing.
Thirty-eight students from Orcas, Shaw, and San Juan Island, as well as Seattle, came to Canoe Island for the second…
We have a few more people that are always in our thoughts and we always assume you already know how…
The Orcas Summer Solstice Parade is turning 12 this year. Our local celebration was modeled after a hugely popular event…
On Friday, June 4, North Shore Charters, owned and operated by Marty Mead, gifted seven island kids with an evening…
I would like to publicly express sincere thanks to Windermere Realty’s Dave Douglas, Peter Drape, Wally Gudgell, Duffy King, Harvey…