Orcas responded to our seniors | Letter

When the Senior Services Advisory Committee asked for donations to the “Granny’s Attic” sale on April  16, you came through with flying colors! This year’s sale has been our most successful sale in several years (the economy and a snow event being the causes). A big THANK YOU to all the donors of wonderful, fabulous and useful items, some of them real treasures to the new owners. And we could not have done it without the help of our faithful volunteers, former members BJ and Beth, and our annual volunteers, Gael, Lise and Dorothy. Thank you!

This fund-raising event is one of two we hold annually, the other being the “Festival of Arts” Thanksgiving Saturday, and last year we successfully introduced the “Orcas on the Go” coupon book. The new coupon book goes on sale June 1. If you have the old book, NOW is the time to use your coupons before they expire.

All of the funds generated from these events help us to maintain the Senior Center (the physical building), and pay for electricity and heat etc.

Thank you again!

Magdalena Verhasselt

Senior Center Advisory Committee