Murphy throws hat in the ring for mayor | Letter

After weeks of serious deliberation, Murphy (a portuguese water dog), is throwing in his paws as a write-in for Eastsound Mayoral campaign. He says that he is “very disappointed in the current list of candidates” and feels that “the most important quadriped that should be in the campaign, a DOG, has been left out!”

Murphy throws hat in the ring for mayor

After weeks of serious deliberation, Murphy (a portuguese water dog), is throwing in his paws as a write-in for Eastsound Mayoral campaign.  He says that he is “very disappointed in the current list of candidates” and feels that “the most important quadriped that should be in the campaign, a DOG, has been left out!”

The goat constituency on Orcas is of limited size, whereas the dog population is enormous and deserves representation in the Eastsound City Hall (yet to be built, but will be on Murphy’s agenda if elected).  He is a dog of significant moral character and integrity and will be campaigning to correct what he perceives to be injustices.  He has noted that of the hundreds and hundreds of dogs on Orcas, not a one has health insurance, therefore he will be campaigning for a single-payer universal healthcare insurance for all of his canine friends.

He has yet to decide on his feline friends not because he doesn’t have any, but because he is looking at the pros and cons and the possible legal implications if he supports them.

Think how much happier our dogs will be knowing that they will be covered for rabies, distemper, heartworm, or the dreaded granulomalous meningocephalmyelitis (he’s a smart dog!).  There will not be exclusions for pre-existing diseases nor a maximum cap that might lead to termination of a plan should any dog need intensive care and life support for months or years, or any other chronic condition whose costs are deemed too expensive. Let’s not let our canine friends suffer as our human counterparts do from a draconian health care system. Vote for write-in candidate Murphy – vote now and vote often.

Translated from Portuguese dog-talk by Dale Heisinger