Huddle Lopez Island unanimously endorses Palmateer and Wolf | Letter

We at Huddle Lopez Island are excited to endorse Ryan Palmateer and Cindy Wolf.

Ryan would bring to the job his background in conservation, renewable energy, and telecommunications. Through his extensive experience as a volunteer in our community, he has promoted balanced solutions to environmental and economic problems. He advocates for recovery from Covid-19 by concentrating on policies that promote stewardship, self-sufficiency, and sustainable agriculture, and is committed to a county government that is inclusive and transparent. Ryan is open to unique solutions to our affordable housing crisis and to diversification of our economic base to be less dependent on the current iteration of tourism.

With her activist background, Cindy knows that we must be creative in our thinking to deal with our housing crisis, move the islands toward a model of sustainable tourism, and keep climate change issues in the forefront of every County decision. Her strong moral compass will guide her deliberations and bring a fresh, respectful approach to Council dialogue. And it is time that we have a woman’s voice on our County Council once again.

In this season of struggle with the effects of pandemic, economic disaster, and climate change, we need a forward-thinking council with real world experience, the ability to think outside the box, and the strong values of community, respect for the natural world, and an enlightened vision of the future. Join us in voting for Ryan and Cindy!

Huddle Lopez Island steering committee: Ande Finley; Scott Finley; Joyce Kruithof; Dale Roundy; Liz Lafferty; Kai Sanburn; and San Olson.