Great big thanks to Orcas Horns | Letter

On behalf of the Farm to Cafeteria Program, I wish to shout out a great big thanks to the Orcas Horns for contributing the proceeds from the sale of ciders, meads, wines and waters to our program at their outstanding dance held at Odd Fellows Hall on March 31 during the Shakespeare Festival!

On behalf of the Farm to Cafeteria Program, I wish to shout out a great big thanks to the Orcas Horns for contributing the proceeds from the sale of ciders, meads, wines and waters to our program at their outstanding dance held at Odd Fellows Hall on March 31 during the Shakespeare Festival! A special thanks, to Ray’s General Store and Pharmacy for supplying the goods, and April Pollock for her tireless tending of the table. The Horns put on a tremendous show for four hours that was classy, crowded and crazy good!

Madie Murray

Farm to Cafeteria