Chainsaw rental situation is shocking | Letter

I was shocked when I read the letter in last week’s Sounder in regard to “Approval of Orcas Rental Permits.”

I was shocked when I read the letter in last week’s Sounder in regard to “Approval of Orcas Rental Permits.”

Not being one who rents chainsaws or backhoes, I had only stopped by to talk to the owner a few times the past couple of years to see what was emerging on that corner. Much to my delight, I found that there were plans underway for a wine garden in the midst of the beautiful plants. I noticed this past nine months or so that the emergent project had stopped, and wondered why.  I don’t know all the details of this situation, but apparently permits were granted the owner by the county for a multipurpose business, then someone pointed out a zoning problem, but eventually it was resolved that the owner had an expensive project well under way, all within his rights, according to his permit, and the okay was given by the county for him to proceed. Now I hear that some business owner is trying to block that project. On what grounds is this happening? Don’t we live in America, where we have a democratic republic, where capitalism and free enterprise reign? Isn’t this where people from all over the world would give almost anything to come, so that they could pursue their dreams? Why should this business owner have to spend his resources to fight for his right to do just that?  What is going on here on the island I love?

Leota Shaner

Orcas Island