Campers tour food bank | Letter

The campers from Four Winds * Westward Ho who donated Shiro plums to the Orcas Island Food Bank last month (Sounder, Aug. 30) received a tour when they dropped off their fruit.

During the tour, they learned about why food insecurity is so prevalent, what role food banks play, and how the OIFB works together with local landowners to ensure that their garden crops and fruit arrive at kitchen tables.

The campers enjoyed hearing about the role our Food Bank plays in preventative healthcare by prioritizing fresh produce and healthy options. They also found the number of individuals in our community (about 50%) who qualify for food assistance based on household income eye-opening, as many do.

They asked insightful questions and talked to each other about what they had learned as they loaded back into the camp van. We are excited that this activity is going to be an ongoing part of the camp’s curriculum.

The Food Bank identified education as one of its responsibilities in 2020; since then, we’ve written educational news content, participated in roundtable discussions, and given presentations and tours to individuals, nonprofits, schools, camps, and youth groups.

To arrange for a presentation or tour, please call me.

Amanda Sparks

Executive Director, Orcas Island Food Bank