Adams for sewer | Letter

When I learned that Eastsound Sewer and Water District commissioner Rollie Sauer gave the Orcas Highlands homeowners $90,000 taxpayers’ dollars to drill two wells and then was told (according to the Islands’ Sounder) “The Highlands board maintains it is not responsible for the district’s outlay of cash,” I noticed!

I must confess, I rarely pay attention to local politics. It took something extraordinary to catch my interest.

When I learned that Eastsound Sewer and Water District commissioner Rollie Sauer gave the Orcas Highlands homeowners $90,000 taxpayers’ dollars to drill two wells and then was told (according to the Islands’ Sounder) “The Highlands board maintains it is not responsible for the district’s outlay of cash,” I noticed!

How do you explain such an expensive decision, which now will need to be paid for by Eastsound taxpayers? Why was this “loan” given without a normal contract?  Rather than paying to drill wells in the Highlands, I’d prefer to see my tax dollars used to fix the sewer outfall at North Beach, which, I understand, to this day is broken and dumping sewer plant effluent onto the beach.

Now that I’m paying attention, I’m voting for and strongly recommending Roger Adams for the position of commissioner, position #5.  I know Roger to be intelligent, thoughtful, well-spoken, and honest. His background in construction management, engineering and design more than qualifies him for the position.  More importantly, Roger has integrity and would not think of “loaning” out thousands of taxpayer dollars on a handshake.

Roger is focused on protecting our drinking water, improving existing sewage treatment, eliminating economically damaging policies and working to make the sewer affordable to all of us.

To be clear, I’ve never met commissioner Sauer.  I simply find his decision to basically give away $90,000 completely irresponsible.

Please join me in voting for Roger Adams in the upcoming election.

Kate Jewell
