USA Wrestling Club may start on Orcas

Islanders interested in coaching or participating in an Orcas Island wrestling club are invited to attend the first meeting of the Orcas Island USA Wrestling Club at 6 p.m. on Nov. 4, at 299 Geiser's Way.

Islanders interested in coaching or participating in an Orcas Island wrestling club are invited to attend the first meeting of the Orcas Island USA Wrestling Club at 6 p.m. on Nov. 4, at 299 Geiser’s Way.

“Coaches, parents and small contenders are welcome to attend this meeting,” said organizer Tom Gossett. “We want to establish who is interested and give coaches a chance to meet parents and kids… This is a new thing for Orcas Island and we want to see our kids experience the thrill of competition and team effort,” said Gossett.

Participants from five years old through high school, as well as adults, are welcome. Several coaches of both genders are available to help would-be wrestlers learn many different styles of wrestling, said Gossett. The season begins after Thanksgiving.

“A lot has to be done before we can continue moving forward; all help is welcome!” said Gossett.

For more information on the club, call Tom Gossett at 376-3647. For directions to the meeting, call 376-3721.