Tri-Island Bike Race Sept. 21

The American Lung Association of Washington is holding their 26th annual Trek Tri-Island fundraising bike ride in the San Juan Islands this September. There will be up to 200 riders and volunteers on Orcas Sept. 21 and they are looking for local businesses to partner with them to make this ride a success. “Whether it’s providing discounts for the riders who come in the shop or being cheerleaders along the route, they need your help,” says Carna Lapping, the Special Events Manager for the American Lung Association. For more information, contact Lapping at

The American Lung Association of Washington is holding their 26th annual Trek Tri-Island fundraising bike ride in the San Juan Islands this September. There will be up to 200 riders and volunteers on Orcas Sept. 21 and they are looking for local businesses to partner with them to make this ride a success. “Whether it’s providing discounts for the riders who come in the shop or being cheerleaders along the route, they need your help,” says Carna Lapping, the Special Events Manager for the American Lung Association. For more information, contact Lapping at