Rugby club finishes successful season

The high school girls of the Orcas Island Rugby Club would like to thank you, the Orcas community, for your overwhelming support of our first year trying rugby.

by Megan Sanders and Nicole Munson-Sanders

Orcas Rugby coaches

The high school girls of the Orcas Island Rugby Club would like to thank you, the Orcas community, for your overwhelming support of our first year trying rugby. (In rugby, when you score, it’s called a try!) With your gracious donations, and awesome business sponsors, the OIRC girls were able to proudly represent Orcas in a tournament held in Tacoma, Wash. They showed up on the rugby fields sporting jerseys with our own Islander’s Bank, VanderYacht Propane, The Funhouse, and Island Irrigation logos on it! Talk about your local supporters! Thank you island businesses!

Also, when Island Market and the Orcas Family Health Center graciously allowed us to set up booths for raffles and bake sales, you didn’t hesitate to chip in! Your donations helped the girls to raise the money for their own jersey’s, insurance, and clinics! The Sporting Goods Store even donated gift certificates for our raffles, which was awesome of them!

Of course, we can’t forget to thank the wonderful parents, who took the time to drive, cook, and (oh yeah) allowed their girls to play this awesome sport! Merrick Parnell has already done an awesome job about telling the community of the amazing accomplishments of the girls, (thank you, Merrick) but the girls and coaches wanted to thank you, the Orcas community, for your support. We also wanted to tell you how proud we are of you for uniting together to help us achieve our first successful year on Orcas. Thank you OI!