Island Cup is Sept. 5 | Lopez players join Orcas for football season

When the coaches of the football teams for both Orcas and Lopez counted heads this summer they came to a very troubling conclusion - "We don't have enough guys!"

The following was submitted by the Orcas Island Booster Club.

In the world of San Juan County High School Athletics there are few games that mean more than the Island Cup. Historically, the rivalry between the Vikings and the Wolverines has signaled the beginning of the interscholastic sports season and been a chance for both islands to come together in a competition for island bragging rights. But this year the Island Cup means more than it has in any previous year because for the first time ever, the battle will have a distinctive Lopez presence!

When the coaches of the football teams for both Orcas and Lopez counted heads this summer they came to a very troubling conclusion – “We don’t have enough guys!” While Orcas could field the minimum number of players for a team, they lacked the ability to continue should injury strike throughout the season. Meanwhile, the Lopez squad was looking at having to shut their program down because they simply didn’t have enough players to put on the field. So the question was asked: “What if we combined our squads to play under a single flag?”

Through a great cooperative effort between administrations and volunteer staff the combined Viking/Lobo team assembled last week and officially began practices. Lopez players have been making the long trek each day to Orcas to complete practice requirements, but the hard work and extra logistics are paying off.

“The guys are really working well together. With the combination of the two squads we expect to have a lot of fun on the field and see some great football this year,” says Head Coach Justin Frausto.

The Island cup will take place this year on Orcas on Saturday, Sept. 5. You can expect this one to be a battle to remember as players and fans from Lopez, Orcas and San Juan Islands converge on Dahl Field together for the first time to see history in the making. Kick-off is 12:30 p.m.

For fans who can’t make it to Orcas for the game, the Orcas Island Booster Club will be broadcasting the game via live-stream on the Viking Sports Ustream channel at

All fans, Wolverine, Viking and Lobo alike, are invited to join in the fun and come out to root on their favorite team.