Here at the Islands’ Sounder, we have deadlines printed every week in the paper. We also frequently answer questions from our readers about when submissions are due.
Yet we often receive press releases, letters and advertising materials past the posted time, over the weekend or even on the actual day we go to press.
We do our very best to fit everything we can into our pages. We strive to meet the needs of our community, but the chances of getting in print decreases by submitting items right at the deadline cutoff or a day late. It’s smoother for everyone involved if you can email us earlier in the week rather than later. When we have to rearrange a page at the last minute or build an ad with a short turnaround time, it is more likely for mistakes to occur. And that doesn’t benefit anyone.
Starting with the July 11 edition, our internal press deadline has been moved up by three hours. This means that display ads, press releases and calendar items are due no later than 8 a.m. on Fridays. Legals are due Thursdays at 9 a.m. and for classified ads, Monday at 9 a.m.
To place a classified ad, call 1-800-388-2527 or email To book a legal notice, email
We now have very little wiggle room to find a spot for an item sent late in the week. If you know you’ve got an event happening a month from now, be proactive. Email us at, ask questions about a promotional plan and if you’ve already got materials prepared, send them! Don’t wait.
Here is a quick reminder on word and size requirements. Letters must be no more than 350 words, guest columns are 500 words, press releases should not exceed 400 words (unless pre-approved) and photos must be as high resolution and large file size as possible.
Thank you for all your contributions to the Sounder. And we appreciate your patience as we transition. We wouldn’t be here without you. Please be mindful of our new time constraints but help us to ensure as many community events as possible make it into our pages.