Durland responds to endorsements | Leer

would like to correct some misinformation in your editorial of 10-26-16.

I would like to correct some misinformation in your editorial of 10-26-16. I do not recall ever stating that I have been mistreated by the county. After I appealed a building permit which would adversely affect my property I was served with two Notice of Violations which threatened to shut down my business and remove my Shoreline Development Permits. I tried to discuss these Notices with Council and was ignored until I went to court and both NOV’s were vacated. It was a huge waste of my and the taxpayers’ money. When I then asked for a Code Interpretation to clarify the matter I was told that Code Interpretations are not given when a property is under Code Enforcement. The council refuses to speak to me and instructs staff not to answer my questions. This is a situation no citizen should be put in.

I have tried to keep my personal issues with the county at bay during my campaign . You can ask anyone who knows me that I will not let past issues with the county cloud my judgment. I believe that past issues will help me be more open to my constituents. I am in favor of establishing a Citizen Review Board that will have the authority to review actions and decisions of county employees in a non-confrontational environment to discuss the decision and reasons for and opinions against. I will do my best to keep the county out of court by establishing a dialogue rather than ignore citizens concerns until they escalate to the courts. I invite you to visit my website Durland4council.com and Facebook (durland4council) page to learn more about me. I am an environmentalist and a property rights advocate and know it is a difficult balance. I attended the recent farm tours and was impressed with the caliber of our farmers. The transient rental affordable housing issue will only get worse until there is a meaningful dialogue on how vacation rentals affect neighborhoods and our economy. A vote for Durland is a vote for responsibility and accountability in county government.

Michael Durland

Orcas Island