Discovering the power of reading as a community


Did you know that there’s a proven connection between reading and community health? A 2004 NEA report shows that readers are more likely to be involved in cultural and volunteer activities than are non-readers.  In fact, people who read literature are nearly three times as likely to attend a performing arts event, and more than two-and-a-half times as likely to do volunteer work. Clearly, reading contributes to the cultural, civic, even economic fabric of a community. Further, books can provide a means of deepening our understanding of ourselves and others.

This fall we invite you to experience the transformational power of reading—as a community.  In September, the Orcas Public Library and the Orcas Island Writers Festival will partner to bring The Big Read to the San Juan Islands.  The Big Read is an initiative of the NEA, designed to restore reading to the center of American culture by bringing communities together to read, discuss, and celebrate one book.  Join us as we celebrate Zora Neale Hurston’s “Their Eyes Were Watching God.” But why stop at one book? In October, Orcas Center will present an original stage adaptation of Charles Dickens’ “Great Expectations.”

We encourage the community to experience two great books together. That’s why we’re offering a variety of programs for all ages throughout September and October. We’re bringing good books to young readers, offering adult book clubs and older students free teacher and study guides, and hosting a variety of community events, which include dramatic readings, theater, music, cinema, culinary delights, a photography and writing exhibition, a story writing contest, and even dance.

How can you participate? Read the books! Talk about the books with your family and friends and in your book groups. Then participate in as many events as possible.

Most of the Big Read events will take place during the Orcas Island Writers Festival from September 17-20. Some of these events will be free and open to the public, although we will be accepting donations. Join us for High Tea with Hurston when Sharon Abreu sings Billie Holiday songs. Meet Poet Laureate Emeritus Al Young and discuss Hurston’s book. Write a picture book with visiting author Deb Lund, or bring your children to hear her read. Celebrate with the Olga Symphony on Center Stage with music, dramatic readings, theater, and dance, or hear our award-winning festival faculty. Join us again for Al Young’s musically-styled poetry and our own masterful jazz musician Martin Lund for a special night of poetry and jazz.

See the details of the Big Read events at Learn more about the Big Read and additional festival events at Books are available at Darvill’s Book Store and the library. All island book clubs are encouraged to read and discuss the Dickens’ classic “Great Expectations.” A study guide, based upon the stage adaptation to be performed on Orcas, is available by contacting

Darvill’s Book Store is getting into the act as well – each sale of “Great Expectations” will result in 25% of the sale proceeds going to support the stage production, which will be performed October 15-17 and 22-24. And of course, come see the show!

Spread the civic-minded reading culture! Read the books and join us for events.


Happy Reading, Orcas!

Barbara Lewis, Founder, Orcas Island Writers Festival

Barbara Courtney, Executive/Artistic Director, Orcas Center