Submitted by San Juan County.
Since the last update on Friday, Oct. 22, there have been 9 new confirmed or probable cases in San Juan County. The current case count is now 353.
Of these 9 new cases, initial investigations indicate that 3 appear to have occurred in fully vaccinated individuals. There are approximately 41 unvaccinated close contacts of positive cases currently in quarantine in the islands. LOPEZ ISLAND: There is 1 new case on Lopez Island since the last update. There is one positive case under active monitoring on Lopez Island. ORCAS ISLAND: There are 6 new cases on Orcas Island since the last update. There are 12 positive cases under active monitoring on Orcas Island. SAN JUAN ISLAND: There are 2 new cases on San Juan Island since the last update. There are 2 positive cases under active monitoring on San Juan Island. OVERALL SITUATION: Cases continue to persist in the islands. While initial transmission is often through unvaccinated children or adults, the disease spreads quickly through family groups, even if some members of the family are vaccinated. There have been several islanders lately who have been hospitalized due to their COVID symptoms. While most people experience symptoms that are not severe, it is important to remember that COVID is a serious and potentially fatal illness for some people.
Final approval has been given for Moderna and Johnson & Johnson boosters. Those who are eligible for boosters may sign up for upcoming clinics (happening the week of Nov. 15) at the County COVID Vaccine Page.