Submitted by the Bureau of Land Management
The Bureau of Land Management is seeking additional public nominations for vacant positions on the San Juan Islands National Monument Advisory Committee.
“We are looking for dedicated and diverse people to join our advisory committee, ensuring a rich tapestry of perspectives to help manage and preserve the beauty of the San Juan Islands National Monument today and for future generations,” said, Stephen Small, BLM Spokane District Manager
The MAC helps the BLM provide balanced stewardship of the San Juan Islands National Monument and its resources. The 12 members of the MAC offer ideas and opinions on land use planning, cultural resources, environmental issues, fire management, recreation, noxious weed management, and more. Its members represent a range of interests who advise the BLM on the management of the Island’s public lands and implementation of the National Monument’s published Resource Management Plan.
Nominees will be reviewed based on training, education, and knowledge of the advisory committee’s geographic area. Nominees should also demonstrate a commitment to consensus-building and mutual decision-making. The 45-day nomination period ends June 20.
Committee members typically serve one- to three-year terms and meet up to four times annually. MAC members serve without salary, though they are reimbursed
for approved travel and per diem expenses related to their activities on the advisory committee.
To learn more and see what specific positions are available in the MAC, refer to the Federal Register Notice at (link).
To apply or self-nominate for a position on the MAC, submit a resume with an adequate description of qualifications, including information that would enable the Department of the Interior to make an informed decision regarding membership requirements and contact information. Nominees are strongly encouraged to include supporting letters from employers, associations, professional organizations, and/or other organizations that indicate support by a meaningful constituency for the nominee. Please indicate any BLM permits, leases, or licenses that you hold personally or are held by your employer. Submit your application to Travis Edwards via email at, or mail to:
Bureau of Land Management Attn: Travis Edwards RE: MAC nominations, 1103 N. Fancher Rd. Spokane Valley, WA 99212
Learn more about the San Juan Islands MAC by visiting: