Town hall meetings will discuss Critical Areas Ordinance update

The county council will host town hall meetings to discuss the update to the Critical Areas Ordinance, beginning with an Aug. 5 meeting on Orcas.

County Council Members Richard Fralick, District 4, Orcas West and Patty Miller, District 5, Orcas East, will host the first of three Town Hall Meetings on the update of the Critical Areas Ordinance at Eastsound Fire Station on Friday, Aug. 5 from 4 to 5:45 p.m.

Shireene Hale of the San Juan County Department of Community Development and Planning will lead the discussion.

The topics for the meeting will be a summary of progress on the update and a detailed discussion of the “General Section” that includes the “Reasonable Use Exemption.” Orcas members of the Planning Commission have also been invited to attend.

For more information, contact the Clerk of the County Council at 378-2898.