System update from Eastsound Water Users Association

Water demand has continued at a substantially higher than normal rate. In June 2014 we were asked to produce 6 MG. In June 2015 was 7 MG. A 17 percent increase. Water Level in the Purdue Reservoir is at the lowest level at this date in the last 20 years. he long range forecast is for continued dry conditions through no just the end of summer, but the end of the year.

Eastsound Water Users Association released the following water system update.

Water demand has continued at a substantially higher than normal rate. In June 2014 we were asked to produce 6 MG. In June 2015 was 7 MG. A 17 percent increase.

Water Level in the Purdue Reservoir is at the lowest level at this date in the last 20 years. he long range forecast is for continued dry conditions through no just the end of summer, but the end of the year.


• EWUA has ramped up production to peak levels in order to meet recent demand.

• The high water use pattern of June is not sustainable. EWUA must return to a more “normal” water use pattern. Normal is being defined as the same level of use as the summer of 2014. Prior to last month, 2014’s use was higher than any year in the past decade.

• EWUA is enacting production limits for the Purdue Treatment plant to insure that capacity is available through the end of the year.

• EWUA is asking members to significantly cut back on outdoor water use. Irrigation is the primary source of the elevated demand as members attempt to maintain gardens and planting during drought conditions.

• EWUA is contacting members that had the highest increases in water use during June, and working with them to reduce water use.

• EWUA’s leaders are optimistic that by providing members with the information necessary to make prudent water use decisions we will bring demand back to a sustainable level. However, alternative plans to ensure safe reliable service through the duration of the drought are being prepared.

• Fire hydrants are for use of EWUA and Orcas Fire Department ONLY. Any other use of a fire hydrant is considered tampering with private property, and theft of water. Please report any suspicious activity that involving a fire hydrant.