Summer 2014 sailing schedule begins Father’s Day

The summer 2014 sailing schedule begins this Father’s Day, Sunday, June 15, with more vessels, sailings and service hours on many routes. The Anacortes/San Juan Islands route will have an additional vessel and increased hours of service.

The summer 2014 sailing schedule begins this Father’s Day, Sunday, June 15, with more vessels, sailings and service hours on many routes. The Anacortes/San Juan Islands route will have an additional vessel and increased hours of service.

We recommend planning summer ferry travel outside of peak hours on Friday afternoons and evenings westbound and Sunday afternoons eastbound. Check the summer 2014 sailing schedule at the bottom of the WSF schedule page or pick up a red, printed copy on vessels or at any terminal.

This alert was sent on 6/12/2014 at 8:29PM to subscribers of the Anacortes / San Juan Islands route.

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