Spring is in the the air and new growth is all around at the Lopez Island Public Library.
In an effort make the most of the library’s wireless network, the Lopez Library has purchased three Dell laptop computers to check out for in-house use. Patrons can surf the ‘net or watch a movie from the comfort of the bean bags or lounge chairs.
The library has also purchased ten new Dell desktop computers for public use that are loaded with new software to meet patron demands such as downloading music from iTunes, editing photos in GIMP, desktop publishing in Microsoft Publisher and more. The computers have the added the ability to burn CDs. Blank CDs are available for purchase from the circulation desk. Two additional stations for teens are set up near the Young Adult book section and come with headphones.
The library is installing a PC reservation system so that patrons can reserve a spot on a computer days or hours in advance. This new system will also self-monitor time on the computer and let users know how long they have left with an on-screen clock. There will be guest cards available for computer use for non-card holders.
The latest gardening and tax books areavailable in the “Spring, Sprang, Sprung!” display at the Lopez Library.
Teens who want to discuss and recommend books to their peers are invited to the library’s Rebel Book Club, the last Friday of the month at 3:30 p.m. Drinks and snacks provided.
The library will be hosting a performance of the Parasol Puppets on Saturday, May 3 at 11 a.m. in the Library’s conference room. Puppeteer Peter Allen (www.parasolpuppets.com) has created the show of nursery rhymes and tales especially for young audiences.
“The famous READ posters with your favorite celebrities holding a beloved book can now be personalized with your face and book of choice,” says Library Director Lou Pray. “We’ll take your digital picture and insert it in the READ poster of your choice at no cost. Be a reading role model.”
The library is also looking for new growth ideas for the library from its patrons. Fill out a survey at the library or visit www.lopezlibrary.org. Completed surveys will be entered in a prize drawing for local merchant gift cards, mugs, t-shirts and etc.
Due to scheduled maintenance, the library will be closed on April 23-25. The library will be open until 9 p.m. on Tuesday, April 23 to give patrons a little extra time at the library. Regularly scheduled meetings, Storytime, Movie Night, Poetry Night and the Rebel Book Night will be held in the Library Meeting room as scheduled.
The library recently received a substantial bequest in memory of Esther Carhart for deposit to the Lopez Island Library’s designated endowment fund with the Seattle Foundation. Patrons interested in contributing to this fund to benefit the Lopez Island Library, please contact Library Director Lou Pray at 468-2265.