Senate Democrats heard the governor’s carbon tax proposal on Tuesday, Jan. 16, Senate Bill 6203, in the Senate Energy, Environment and Technology Committee. Sen. Kevin Ranker, D-Orcas Island, released the following statement:
“From increasing forest fires to rising ocean acidification impacting shellfish and the Salish Sea, Washingtonians are witnessing firsthand the impacts of climate change. We have both the responsibility and the capability to take meaningful action to reduce carbon emissions while building a clean energy economy.
By holding carbon polluters accountable, we can invest in efforts to reduce emissions, spur new jobs and technology, and support communities that endure the impacts of climate change firsthand.
From the 199,000 jobs and $21.6 billion in annual economic activity in outdoor recreation that depend upon healthy waters and forests, to the thousands of jobs being developed in our clean energy sector, we must embrace climate action now if we are going to have a thriving economy and middleclass into the future.
I am proud to be helping lead this legislation as the number two sponsor of the governor’s bill. Passing this thoughtful legislation to reduce carbon pollution is critical if we are going to protect our forests, waters and our children’s future.”