San Juan County fairgrounds has a new arena fence

The San Juan County Fairgrounds now has a beautiful, new arena fence, thanks to the efforts of a Friday Harbor High School student.

The San Juan County Fairgrounds now has a beautiful, new arena fence, thanks to the efforts of a Friday Harbor High School student.

As her project for the Community Project Experience class at Friday Harbor High School, Chelan Taylor coordinated the promotion and fundraising to replace and repair the arena fence at the fairgrounds. Her efforts were fruitful and in little over a year, enough money was donated to start the project.

Lum Volvo and Tractor Service, from Orcas Island, won the bid to install the new fence and recently finished the project. Eric Lum also provided the fir lumber for the fence rails, most of which were sustainably harvested from Lum’s property on Orcas. Brown’s Home Center on San Juan Island, helped by providing a discount on the treated posts and the fair staff and Sheriff’s Work Release Program provided the labor to tear down the old fence.

Plaques will be attached to the rails with the names of all the folks who donated to this fine community driven project.