Prosecutor says it’s appropriate for County Council to meet outside Friday Harbor

Prosecutor Randy Gaylord has expressed the opinion that County Council meetings can – and in certain instances, should – be held outside the county seat.

Prosecutor Randy Gaylord has expressed the opinion that County Council meetings can – and in certain instances, should – be held outside the county seat.

“It is appropriate for the County Council to hold its regular Tuesday meeting on Feb. 15 on Orcas Island,” said Gaylord. “Under the Open Public Meetings Act, it is the county charter and local rules that determine where meetings are located. The county charter directed the council to adopt rules regarding the location of its meetings. The council did so in an ordinance and said that the council will meet at the council hearing room in Friday Harbor or “such other venue as is deemed appropriate by the council.” The rules also state the desire to hold a regular Tuesday meeting at “other ferry served islands at least four times a year.” These rules were adopted to carry out the expression of the freeholders that county government should be more accessible.”

“Consistent with these rules, it has been the custom of the county council to hold regular meetings in Eastsound and Lopez Village in addition to Friday Harbor. Notice of the location is set in advance, made widely known on the council’s agenda, and also posted on the on the door of the council chambers. When an alternate meeting location is identified in a statute, the Open Public Meetings Act directs that its provisions (and hence the county charter) “shall control.”