Pizza in school garden

The original school garden area has been “resting” for a couple of years to replenish the soil and revitalize its spirit.

by Colleen Steward

School Garden Keeper

The original school garden area has been “resting” for a couple of years to replenish the soil and revitalize its spirit.

It has produced joyously every year since 1995 and deserved the time off. But now, it’s time to wake it up, clean it up and the whole community is invited to be part of it!

The work will start at 10 a.m. on Saturday, Aug. 22 and fresh pizza from our garden cob oven will be served around 1:30 p.m.  All ages are welcome to help and party! Dress to get dirty and bring water, tools and gloves.

The area will become an oasis for pollinators and perennial plants, a place for wildflowers, swaths of color, butterflies, bees and hummingbirds. These plants will help keep the whole garden in good health as they mature year after year. It will also be a beautiful place for living art in every season and an educational tool for ornamental and florist plants.

If you have any questions, contact  Read all about the school garden – then and now – at