Paper airplane contest coming

It's that time of year again for the 18th Annual Kiwanis Paper Airplane contest.

It’s that time of year again for the 18th Annual Kiwanis Paper Airplane contest.

This year’s contest will be held on Saturday, March 1 in the high school gym and is open to everyone – young or old. Airplane building begins at 1 p.m. and flying is at 2 p.m. Materials are provided.

Prizes will be given in each of the the age groups (8 years and younger, 9-12 years, 13 years and older) for the longest distance flight, closest to a spot, and longest air time. Single prizes will be awarded regardless of age to the “Most Beautiful Paper Airplane” and a special grand prize to anyone who can fly an airplane into a basket in the middle of the gym floor.

“The Most Beautiful Paper Airplane” is meant to be built at home by contestants using any paper materials and brought to the contest.

“These don’t need to fly, they can just look really cool,” say organizers.

Final contest of the day wins the Grand Prize: contestants attempt to fly their planes into a basket located in the middle of the gym floor.  On Feb. 26 and 27, George Garrels will be in the school library to lend airplane building assistance. Kids can stop in at lunchtime.

For more information, call Garrels at 376-2814.