Tickets are still available for all performances of “Beauty and the Beast” on its last weekend at Orcas Center.
Orcas Island School District Board to focus on the 2008-2009 budget and program recommendations on April 24 and 30.
Brewer-Rogstad resigns
San Juan Nature Institute’s Orcas Spring Lecture Series will take place at 7 p.m. on Wednesdays at the Orcas Senior Center. The schedule is as follows:
Farm management practices that have produced positive environmental and financial results at Sweet Grass Beef Farm on Lopez Island will be spotlighted on Monday, April 28, as owners Scott Meyers and Brigit Waring give a tour of their farm.
The Land Bank is sponsoring a Writing Contest for 10th- through 12th-grade students in San Juan County. The topics are: Preserving what’s important in a changing world, and; Imagine the Islands without land conservation. “We are looking for the best essays about the idea of conservation and its significance to the writer.” It is not necessary for the essay to feature a Land Bank Preserve. Entries can be fiction, nonfiction, drama or poetry.
Moran state Park is working with KWIAHT ecologist Russel Barsh and botanist Madrona Murphy to offer a series of workshops and lectures about rare native plants in Moran State Park. The overall goal for this partnership is to find and map out rare native plants in Moran State Park so that the Park can knowledgably manage the land in the future, said Linda Sheridan, Moran’s Interpretive Specialist.
Spring is in the the air and new growth is all around at the Lopez Island Public Library.
“The Orcas Island Chamber of Commerce’s 2008 Visitor Guide and Business Directory has arrived on-island and the reviews are glowing!” said Lance Evans, Chamber Executive Director.
Currently in San Juan County the immunization rates are well below the state average of 71 percent and National Infant Immunization Week (NIIW), April 19 to 26, is a reminder to parents, health professionals, and the public that children deserve a healthy start to life by immunizing them against 14 vaccine preventable diseases. Infants are particularly vulnerable to infectious diseases; that is why it is so important to discuss with your health care provider the risks and benefits of vaccinating so each individual can make an informed decision.
Orcas Power and Light Cooperative (OPALCO) will elect two directors at its annual meeting on Saturday, May 17, on the ferry. The opportunity to elect the board of directors is a unique feature of the cooperative member-owned electric utilities.
Beginning Sunday, April 20, WSDOT Ferries Division downsized the San Juan Islands route for a week to complete an annual U.S. Coast Guard required inspection on the 144-car Elwha. The 90-car Sealth will operate on the route while the Elwha goes to WSDOT’s Eagle Harbor Maintenance Facility for its annual inspection.