While the Orcas Island Community Foundation (OICF) has awarded substantial assostamce to island non-profits this year, there are many grant applications they were not able to fund, in part or in full, and they want the community to know that worthy organizations are out there and could use a little help, or a lot of help, from the island community at large.
“I want people to be aware that the Critical Areas Ordinance review is happening and make an educated decision on how to be involved if they want to be,” says Orcas Island business and property owner Patty Miller.
A list of the grants funded fully or in part by OICF to community non-profits
See Sounder Opinion for list of collection sites on the islands
Afternoon meeting open to the public
“Hybrid” first-through-third grade classroom in Orcas Island public school
Hospital Board Schedules Two Meetings about the New Integrated Medical Center Feasibility Report – regular meeting on May 28
The candidate meetings are scheduled for Lopez Island on Saturday, June 7 at 10 a.m. in the Lopez Library and on Orcas Island, Saturday, June 7 at 2 p.m. in the Eastsound Fire Hall.
The annual Bite of Orcas fundraiser on Saturday, May 24 helps take a bite out of the Wolf Hollow Wildlife Rehabilitation Center budget. “’The Bite’ is our only major fundraising event on Orcas Island,” says Julie Knight, executive director of the Wolf Hollow Board. “Not only do we raise money, but we get the message out about protecting habitat and native species on Orcas Island.”
Spring has sprung! Children and their pets are practicing their best smiles and parade waves for the 18th annual Pet Parade through Eastsound sponsored by Kaleidoscope on Saturday, May 24.
From the Orcas Island Prevention Partnership:
Stacy Lutz, Licensed Accupuncturist will hold a walk-in