Judy Tepley has a new art show of bead work, embroidery and things handmade on Orcas hanging at Islanders Bank for the monthof September.
A grief recovery group will begin meeting on Tues., Sept. 16 from 6:30 to 8 p.m. in the parish hall of Emmanuel Episcopal Church in Eastsound. The series of six meetings will continue through Oct. 14. The second meeting will be on Thurs., Sept. 18, followed by four meetings on Tues. evenings Sept. 23, Sept. 30, Oct. 7 and Oct. 14. The group experience will be facilitated by Dr. Fountiene Prince.
The Orcas Island Schools’ Parent-Teacher-Student Association (PTSA) plans a major event each week in September as the new school year begins.
The San Juan Nature Institute will be offering an adult field workshop entitled “Lichens of Turtleback” on Saturday, Sept. 13 at a time to be determined.
Joan Roulac, accredited T’ai Chi Chih instructor since 1987, begins a new eight-week series of classes at the Orcas Senior Center on Sept. 8.
The Deer Harbor Community Club recently received notification from the Internal Revenue Service that it has qualified as a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization. “The Club has been incorporated in the State of Washington since 1972 as a nonprofit organization and is pleased to receive this new federal designation,” said President Mike Speece.
The Seventh Annual Deer Harbor Wooden Boat Rendezvous takes place Sept. 2 and 3. The Deer Harbor event is sandwiched between two of the West’s biggest wooden boat gatherings, Victoria’s Wooden Boat Classic, and Port Townsend’s Wooden Boat Festival. It is held the first week of September every year, and hosts 40 to 50 beautiful wooden boats for two days of fun and entertainment.
Danna Kinsey and Bruce Gregory, San Juan Islands Conservation District Managers announced recently that the San Juan Islands Conservation District will host a Washington State Conservation Commission meeting on Sept. 17 and 18 in Friday Harbor on San Juan Island.
The Orcas Island Community Foundation will hold its annual Report to the Community and A Celebration of Giving Luncheon on Thursday, Sept. 11 from 11:30 a.m. until 2 p.m. at the Rosario Resort Discovery House. The entire Orcas community is invited to help to celebrate the generosity of the people who live here and to honor two of the island’s most extraordinary philanthropists, Rachel Adams and Marilyn Anderson. The suggested donation to help defray the cost of the luncheon is $25.
Robert Low, San Juan County Fire Marshal, announced on Aug. 27 that the State Department of Natural Resources (DNR) will lower the fire level to “low” on Sept. 2 and lift all burn bans.
In the inaugural issue of a newsletter created by the Office of Farmland Preservation (OFP), it states, “Farmers are among the top land stewards and conservationists in this state. These individuals know more than any other group or agency what their land needs and what it can achieve. OFP seeks to be a support system for them and provide technical assistance in achieving their goals.”
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is currently developing of a Comprehensive Conservation Plan (CCP) for Protection Island and San Juan Islands National Wildlife Refuges (NWRs) that will guide Refuge management decisions for the next 15 years and beyond.
Aug. 8: Authorities seized several surveillance cameras after residents of Of Less Traveled Road discovered them hidden in the woods on their Lopez Island property. The case remains under investigation.