Orcas School hires psychologist for students

The Orcas Island School District is welcoming Timothy Kopet, Ph.D as the new school psychologist.

Kopet has 18 years of experience working as a school psychologist in Portland, Oregon, San Juan Island and Lopez Island. He will split his time between Lopez and Orcas school districts. After many years of owning property on San Juan Island, Kopet and his wife decided to build a home there, where they have resided for the last three years. They share it with their Vizla, who is a Parkinson’s detection dog.

“The San Juan Islands have beautiful forests, sea scapes and farmland. The people on the islands are wonderful!” said Kopet.

At Orcas School, he will provide direct support and interventions to students, consult with teachers, families, and other mental health professionals that they work with to improve support strategies for students. primarily those with special needs. He will also be working with the administrative team and staff to improve school-wide practices and policies and collaborate with community providers to coordinate needed services.

Kopet has a comprehensive background in child psychology. He earned his Ph.d. in clinical community psychology from the University of Wyoming and completed his clinical internship in Wisconsin and his residency in Oregon. He has worked as a clinical psychologist in Oregon and maintained a private practice there as well. While in private practice there, he acted as a consultant for juvenile justice agencies, child welfare and schools for his expertise in dealing with youth who set fires.