Orcas Mentor Profiles: Suzanne Olson

The Sounder is sharing stories from the mentorship program in an ongoing series. The following was written by Funhouse program director Rebecca DeMeritt.

The Sounder is sharing stories from the mentorship program in an ongoing series. The following was written by Funhouse program director Rebecca DeMeritt.

The love and warmth between Suzanne Olson and Adia Dolan, a mentor match that has been going on for 10 years, is stunning. Their coming together seems not just fortuitous but magical. They are an example of how mentoring on Orcas can be one of the richest experiences anyone can have.

Suzanne and Adia met at a soccer practice and with the support of Adia’s mom Roseann approached the Funhouse to join the mentor program. It is not uncommon for a mentor match to be made based on one common interest such as soccer. It is also not uncommon for a mentor relationship to blossom into a rich friendship with many common interests revealing themselves along the way.

Over the years of their match, Suzanne and Adia published a collaborative book of poetry. They have shared many conversations over the ping-pong table. Adia has gone bicycling, camping and boating with Suzanne’s family. They held a “Walk to NY” campaign, raising money for the trip to New York City that was Adia’s dream. Suzanne, as a mentor, gave Adia these opportunities.

Suzanne, however, says they do not refer to her as “mentor.” Instead, they commonly refer to Suzanne as Adia’s “dementor”- fondly, of course. Suzanne says that Adia has brought laughter and playfulness into her life – and lots of singing.

Along with the fun, they both recognize that Adia had periods of great grief to get through after her mom passed away, and that she thrived in the stability that Suzanne’s home provided. She and her husband John (also a mentor through the Funhouse) raised children of their own and welcomed Adia into their home.

When asked what Suzanne brings to her life, Adia said that she brings “commitment.” She helped her find ways to accomplish what she wanted and discover her interests.

When I asked what Suzanne gains from being a mentor to Adia, she told me that Adia keeps the humor and playfulness alive in her life. Then she turned to Adia and said, “You give to me way more than I give to you.” Suzanne said that the greatest gift of the mentor match is that they both get to “witness” each others’ lives and really be “known by someone.”

For more information about the mentor program, call 376-7177 or email Rebecca@thefunhouse.org.