News from Orcas Recycling

We’re thrilled to announce the hiring of Ken Katz as a Project Manager for the new Exchange rebuild.

The following is from the Orcas Recycling Services.

We’re thrilled to announce the hiring of Ken Katz as a Project Manager for the new Exchange rebuild. Ken is vice president of the Orcas Food Co-Op’s board, a member of the Eastsound Planning Review Committee and a member of the Eastsound Design Review Subcommittee. Ken is an incredible asset to the team! He did a terrific job building the Golden Tree Hostel and, more recently, in getting the Co-Op up and running. That experience will serve him (and us) well!

Other aspects of the Exchange project continue to move forward – if perhaps at a bureaucratic rate. Our road construction permit is working its way through San Juan County, and from there it goes to the State Department of Ecology, which can take five to six weeks for approval.

Our building design team is hard at work preparing drawings for building permits. We plan to have these in place when the road construction is complete, so we can begin construction without delay. We will post the drawings on our website and in our e-newsletter when they are complete. Thank you for helping us to keep the project moving along–consider makeing a tax-deductible donation to help rebuild The Exchange.

Household hazardous waste drop-off

Toxic, flammable, corrosive, or reactive materials are known as hazardous waste and should never be thrown in the garbage. Proper disposal is imperative for a clean environment and to avoid illnesses. The annual free Hazardous Waste Collection day is June 27 from 10am-2pm. Businesses are encouraged to participate but need to call ahead. Learn what hazardous items are accepted…

Drink out of aluminum, not glass

No other container can match the energy savings and value aluminum brings to recycling. Not only is it incredibly sustainable, but it also has practically infinite recyclability and a 60-day turnaround from used beverage container to new can. Recycling aluminum separately helps us contain the cost of garbage/recycling operations. Get the details on why aluminum is a hot commodity…

Orcas is a ton more beautiful

The San Juans are one of the last places in the U.S. where it is not a common sight to see litter on the roadsides. Islanders and visitors alike work hard each year to see that the pristine beauty of our communities continues. The tallies are in for the collective yield of litter gathered by all participating islands during the Great Islands Clean-up.

A.R.T. show

Mark your calendar for the 15th annual A.R.T. Show! The opening reception is Friday, June 12 from 5 to 8 p.m. followed by an exhibition running June 12-July 16. At the opening reception, there will be wine and cheese. This is a free event, but donations are appreciated. Any funds raised will benefit the rebuild of the new Exchange reuse facility. Find out more about the event and RSVP…