Mushroom identification foray at Moran State Park

The Mushroom Identification Foray will meet in Moran State Park on Sunday, Oct. 10 at the Picnic Shelter on the highway by Cascade Lake from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.

The rains have started early and the underground mycelium has been spreading all over. The group welcomes questions and local fungus. Everyone is welcome.

Bring some wood for the fire, your lunch, a collecting basket, and a mushroom guide if you have one. Wear field clothing appropriate for the weather. After an introduction, the group will go for exploratory walks. The fungus will be examined back in the shelter with books and microscopes.

Call Babs Miller at 376-2404 with questions. Kit Scates’ “Easy Key to Gilled Mushrooms” will be available.