Montessori spring auction

The Orcas Montessori School will host their Annual Spring Auction and Fundraiser from 6 to 9 p.m. on Saturday, April 26. The event will take place at the Island Hoppin’ Brewery located at 33 Hope Street in Eastsound. Childcare is available with RSVP by calling 376-5350.

The Orcas Montessori School will host their Annual Spring Auction and Fundraiser from 6 to 9 p.m. on Saturday, April 26. The event will take place at the Island Hoppin’ Brewery located at 33 Hope Street in Eastsound. Childcare is available with RSVP by calling 376-5350.

The evening promises to be a fabulous, fun and delicious experience, featuring food by the Thai Sisters, desert by Sugar Baby Specialty Cakes, and tastings from Chinook Winery and Island Hoppin’ Brewery. The evening will include a silent and live auction, led by auctioneer Senator Kevin Ranker. Whether your property is in need of gravel, compost or a fruit tree; your body is calling out for massage, yoga or pilates sessions; you’re on the hunt for high quality food from local farms, restaurants and pastry chefs; or you are seeking adventure such as kayak, sailboat or whale watch excursions, a private magic show, Orkila summer camp, or even a luxury condo in Sedona Arizona – there is sure to be something for everyone to bid on!

All proceeds from the auction will benefit the island children of Orcas Montessori, providing essential funding for scholarships and school materials. In its 26th year of serving all interested Orcas families, the Orcas Montessori School invites you to join us for a great evening of fun in support of the school as well as the local people and businesses that help make the school and our spring auction such a success.

Tickets for the evening are $25/admission for food and auction, additional $10 for wine or beer tasting. Tickets are available at Darvill’s Bookstore, Island Hoppin’ Brewery, or by calling the school at 360-376-5350.