Lopez athletic director retires after 25 years

Lopez school has hired Mitch Altona to be its new athletic director as Larry Berg steps down from his 25-year post. “After 25 years of coaching two sports, teaching full time and athletic director responsibilities I have decided to give up my duties as athletic director and focus more on teaching, coaching and my family,” said Berg.

Lopez school has hired Mitch Altona to be its new athletic director as Larry Berg steps down from his 25-year post.

“After 25 years of coaching two sports, teaching full time and athletic director responsibilities I have decided to give up my duties as athletic director and focus more on teaching, coaching and my family,” said Berg. “I have truly enjoyed working with all of you and value the friendships and relationships that have developed over these years. I will definitely miss that part of the job.”

Altona can be reached at maltona@lopez.k12.wa.us.