Keeping your pets safe in case of an emergency

When a medical emergency strikes, there is little time to plan or prepare, and sometimes pets are left behind when their owners are flown to the hospital.

When a medical emergency strikes, there is little time to plan or prepare, and sometimes pets are left behind when their owners are flown to the hospital.

The Orcas Animal Protection Society and Orcas Fire and Rescue are teaming up to help islanders make sure their furry loved ones are cared for in the event of a crisis.

With funding from the Orcas Island Community Foundation, the two organizations are printing special “Team Safe” forms. Pet owners can fill out their emergency contact information with details about their animals and keep the form in a place where EMTs will find it.

“For many, pets are a member of the family,” said Fire Chief Kevin O’Brien. “The Team Safe Program assures a reliable continuation of care for pets whose owners experience an emergency.”

If the person designated to care for the pets is unavailable, the animal shelter will provide a free place to stay for 48 hours. After that, the animals may be transported to Eastsound Kennels, where owners will be charged the going rate. The form is inserted into this edition of the Islands’ Sounder. It will also be available at the shelter, the fire department, the senior center and other locations.