Kaleidoscope accepting donations for yard sale

Kaleidoscope Preschool and Child Care Center is currently accepting donations for their annual yard sale, to be held Saturday, August 7 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Kaleidoscope. “We will gratefully accept gently used items, including clothing,” say organizers.

Kaleidoscope Preschool and Child Care Center is currently accepting donations for their annual yard sale, to be held Saturday, August 7 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Kaleidoscope.

“We will gratefully accept gently used items, including clothing,” say organizers. “Donations can be dropped off any time at the San Juan Sanitation storage container located across the street from Kaleidoscope at 1292 North Beach Rd. All proceeds from the sale help Kaleidoscope’s doors stay open and keep island families working, in so many ways. Thank you!”

For more information, call Kaleidoscope at 376-2484.